Sites & cities that bear the name of Contrebia Leucade

Contrebia Leucade

Today in : Spain
First trace of activity : ca. 6th century B.C.E
Last trace of activity : ca. 9th century C.E
Recorded names : Contrebia Leukade, Kontrebia Leukade

Description : Contrebia Leucade (sometimes also Contrebia Leukade or Kontrebia Leukade ) is the name given to a city of Celtiberian origin whose history dates back to the first Iron Age . Its ruins have been preserved up to the present in relatively good condition. Its geographical location is southeast of La Rioja , Spain , in the municipality of Aguilar del Río Alhama , in the area known as Clunia . The history of Contrebia Leucade remains largely dim. Little is known about it, despite its importance in the historical evolution of the Iberian Peninsula and its long history, which spans approximately twenty centuries. 4 The stages of its evolution could be divided into several phases that span its two thousand years of existence in which it was inhabited: Late Bronze Age . The remains found in the Cueva de los Lagos belong to this stage. First Iron Age . It corresponds to a population settled on the westernmost hill. The Celtiberian . In this phase, the Celtiberian city is built, greatly expanding the space of the previous town. The impact of the Roman conquest of Hispania would force successive repairs to the defensive system. The Roman . Roman-imperial occupation stage, carried out between the end of the 1st century BC. C. and beginning of the second century . The wall that closes the north side was built, replacing the Celtiberian wall that had been destroyed. The Visigoth . A settlement of barbarian origin that settled in the city in the 7th century and lasted until the 9th, receiving the Islamic influence. It is also estimated that there was a Visigoth military detachment that controlled the area, a fact that is currently being analyzed (2009). 5 Later, it was abandoned around the 9th century , 4 and its inhabitants began to occupy other nearby towns.

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